Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wojnarowicz Words

In this 1991 interview by David Dashiel at queerculturalcenter.org, David Wojnarowicz predicts his art's position at the center of cultural censorship:

The landscape of this country is so controlled. What is freedom at this point? My frustration comes from wondering how one achieves any sense of freedom. Just about any activity - physical, mental, sexual - is slowly being controlled or hampered. I foresee a time when certain books and ideas will just be banned.
Also contains my favorite quote of the decade:

Acting in prescribed notions of what identity should be is a joke.

Wojnarowicz's influence on a younger generation of artists featured in a 2008 group exhibition at P.P.O.W., History Keeps Me Awake at Night: A Genealogy of Wojnarowicz,  is described in this article at Art Fag City.

Monday, January 31, 2011

These People ~ Now It's The Orphists

Orphists or Smithsonian Museum Board of Regents?  Awaiting official reaction.

This April 23, 1913, Milwaukee Journal article describes a century old artistic stance that has now been institutionalized as the curatorial process.

"Do not for a moment suppose that these people feel grieved by any amount of sarcasm or abuse in the press. It is all good advertising, and that is what they are after."

New word! Divigations!